It would not be right to just moan about how another group of people do their job without putting on record a set of solutions to improving the work of the Parish Council and they way it works.
Over the coming months this is what I would pledge to place firmly on the table of the Parish Council to improve the service.
Parish Council Blog
It takes just a few moments of reading the minutes of the meetings to see that a majority of discussion items are completely unintelligible, this is what I mean by smoke and mirrors. The short hand references the jargon and inter minute referencing, it all becomes completely impenetrable unless you are the ones writing it. Yet the minutes of the meetings and the Agenda are published, so why the need for all the smoke and mirrors. I believe its designed to discourage the public from getting involved.
I also believe that lack of scrutiny, means less work to do, involve the public, get more to do, so the advantage to the council is we get to do what we want and anything else just gets kicked into the long grass.
A Blog would remove this barrier, take the agenda for meetings, at the moment the agenda is full of cryptic one or two line items. On a blog you could write a narrative of what the issue is, some background for the reader to understand. A blog would enable you to do a key word search to look at the last time a particular matter had been brought up and what was discussed and what was decided. Now this is the clever bit, if you used a cloud database you could link all the specific documents to that particular blog, letters sent, notes of conversation had videos photographs, in fact anything at all. So instead of a one line item you have a bank of modern data for people to see....without having to ask for it in a Freedom of information request.
You see if you don't know it has happened you don't know to ask to see it.....
I will be putting more detail on the proposed "Parish Council Blog" in later posts, remember this is your council you can vote for change you can vote for improvement, its time to stop having democracy done to you and time for you to start saying what you want democracy to look like.
This is YOUR CASH, directly from YOUR PURSE and WALLET directly into the Parish Council Coffers. If you want change then vote for it. If you have any suggestions for improvement email me at the following address haywoodslocalvoice@gmail.com or leave a message here on the Blog.
I will be adding many more solutions over the coming months to the issues facing a 21st century community faced with a 19th century Parish council.
ReplyDeletewith 1000 views if this blog in just over 1 week from scratch, you can see how informative and valuable a blog would be in letting the local community know whats going on, in real English not the jargon filled stuff on the minutes of the meetings, and the arcane "Clerks Report" which is always clouded in secrecy, yet it is this report that tells the council what they clerk has achieved that month.....anything but let the public know!