The leadership and administration have a very short memory don't they
In this weeks Parish Newsletter you will see "Once Again" in the so called "Chairmans Report" a reference to members of the public "A Minority" criticising the Parish Council on Facebook.
One of those "Minority" will be me, Hands up and I am glad that somebody is prepared to put their head above the parapet and hold these people to account.
HOWEVER the new Chairman and the Vice Chairman Andy Cooper and Adam Billingsley were recently members of the "Save the Haywoods", group who ran the council for 4 years under the leadership of Paul Gilbert.
Now lets go down memory lane...........
Who started all this attacking members of the public, councillors, planning committee, Severn Trent, land owners, campaigners, in fact anyone who did not agree with their views?
Yes Correct it was Andy Cooper and Adam Billingsley, for over a year before they were elected leaflet after leaflet was produced slagging of and naming as "Corrupt" the then Parish Council, ALL of them and the Parish Clerk. They were scathing of individuals, their decisions, their policies and they named and shamed in their own right every single person or organisation they felt would help them get elected.
Who were the people who when in office continued the process of attacking anyone who did not agree with them, now using public money to do it through the newsletter?
Yes it was Adam Billingsley and Andy Cooper, Newsletter after Newsletter was published and on virtually every occasion they were attacking individuals, businesses, councillors, calling them liars, cheats corrupt, naming them and shaming them. I know because I was the subject of this on many occasions.
It is completely COMICAL and FARCICAL therefore when it was Andy Cooper and Adam Billingsley that have spent the last 5 years doing this on a regular basis to everyone else, for them to start complaining about a couple of people doing it back to them.
Then there is the clerk, he is the "Proper Officer" and is tasked to stop these things from happening, he did nothing to stop the publications there is nothing on record where he objected to any one of the newsletters going out. This despite many of the other councillors and me asking him to do so. It is worth noting that the current clerk was only appointed when the previous incumbent was hounded out of office.
So in essence the Parish Council Voted all of these attacks through in the chamber, the Clerk sealed it with his approval/disapproval not noted and these attacks of liars cheats corruptions were published on a regular basis.
But no it went further......
These attacks would be repeated in the chamber and general "slaggings off" of councils, councillors, businesses, individuals and members of the community were placed into posterity in the minutes of the meetings.
If anyone doubts what I say then just re read the old parish Newsletters, and minutes of the meetings its all there in Black and White.
THESE PEOPLE ARE NOT VICTIMS, its is these people that have victimised other councillors, members of the community, other councils, systematically, for political advantage. Suddenly claiming they are the victim of "bullying" is just a lot short of "unbelievable!!!!"
In fact you can be assured that pointing out the inadequacies of the current council, a council that costs at the moment £93,000 to run, 93K of cash provided ONLY BY THE PEOPLE LIVING IN THE PARISH is small in comparison to the hate filled vilifications and unfounded accusations of Andy Cooper and Adam Billingsley. If you believe that everything has changed just remember this, until the very last day of the previous council both Adam Billingsley and Andy Cooper were voting for these things to happen EVERY MONTH and that is a matter of RECORD gentlemen.RE READ THE NEWSLETTERS AND LEAFLETS then remember the truth, not the spin of these two people.
So how can things be improved its simple really the council needs to be more open and transparent in their dealings and decision making. This is all about turning the attention of the council from hiding information to being proud of how they publish information to be the benchmark of how councils run, not hide behind the lowest denominator of the rules to make it difficult for the public to scrutinise the council.
ReplyDeletenow the council costs £171,636 and that will rise this year too because of more houses on stream and pay rises...lol remember a 1% payrise last year related to an actual 17% increase in costs overall go figure that one